Discover how the DreamPrep® NGS systems reliably generate high quality DNA fragments and libraries suitable for PacBio sequencing

Accelerate your genomic research with automated DNA shearing and library preparation for PacBio long-read sequencing. Our medium- to high-throughput workflows operate in walk-away mode, enabling you to scale your research efficiently and focus on critical discoveries.

DreamPrep NGS and DreamPrep NGS Compact: automated DNA shearing

Deliver from 1 to 96 consistent DNA fragments around 15-kb to 20-kb compatible with all PacBio library preparation and downstream sequencing.



DreamPrep NGS Compact and PacBio SMRTbell® prep kit 3.0

Generate 1 to 48 consistent DNA libraries compatible with PacBio sequencing platforms.



For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
To learn more about automatef NGS library prep solutions, visit
