Plasma separation
for liquid biopsy

Increasing throughput and reliability with Phase Separator™

Time is crucial, precision is non-negotiable, and each sample may hold life changing information.

With the Phase Separator on the Fluent® liquid handling platform, process more samples in less time without compromising accuracy. Suitable for removing the plasma phase from a centrifuged blood sample, Phase Separator is a unique, pressure-based capability of the pipetting arm. It detects interfaces between liquid layers while aspirating.

Automation helps ensure consistent results, part of enabling faster, more precise analysis. Regardless of your operation's size, Phase Separator stands up to the task, giving labs the throughput they need while handling samples regardless of label positioning.


  • Accurate and precise liquid phase detection
  • Phase detection inside the tube
  • No optical line of sight to the sample needed for the phase detection unlike camera-based systems


  • No wasted time moving tubes or analyzing images
  • Process eight samples in parallel per arm. Dual arm option enable 16 tubes at the same time
  • Plasma separation for 24 samples under 10 min* per arm

*Timing is volume dependent. Time given for separation volumes of 5 ml.

Workflow integration example

Tecan’s easy method generation and microscripting provide a wide range of sample handling options, enabling a standardized process to generate reliable results.

Step 1. Phase detection during aspiration

Step 2. Transfer 1 ml increments until phase is found

Step 3. Transfer liquid up to defined threshold above separation phase

Phase Separator matches quality of previous, slower method

Development partner found negligible variance from their accepted results even with a wide range of parameters.


Sample data from development performance verification test based on % fetal fraction and comparing parameters
to standard.

Phase Separator matches quality of previous, slower method

There are no significant differences in the percentage of fetal fractions (FF) compared to the total cell-free DNA (cfDNA) when various separation methods are compared to the standard method.

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