Free Download: The benefits of automated DNA library preparationdot

Learn how to build a reproducible DNA library with minimal user input in less than 4 hours

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) continues to revolutionize genomic research. The technique relies on DNA libraries that are often quantified and normalized using methods such as qPCR (even though they are time-consuming and subject to variability). However, there is another way!

Our latest application note includes experimental data demonstrating how fully automated systems can streamline your DNA library preparation, quantification, normalization and pooling workflow, and how using the right kits can cut your library preparation time in half.

In this application note, you’ll discover how to:

  • Prepare, quantify and normalize DNA libraries in less than 4 hours
  • Eliminate sample loss
  • Improve reproducibility between users
  • Reduce process variability

Download our application note now to find out how implementing fully automated liquid handling protocols can revolutionize your library preparation.

Free Download Application note NGS DreamPrep

Research use only – not for use in diagnostic procedures.