Scale 3D cell experiments with confidence, through fully automated workflows and AI-based analysis

Complex 3D cell models – such as spheroids, organoids and organ-on-a-chip systems – have great potential in many applications, from drug development to personalized medicine. A lack of reproducibility still poses a particular challenge in many of these workflows, and automation is the key to overcoming this issue, helping labs to increase throughput and achieve consistent and reliable results.

Level up your 3D cell-based research with automated, multiplexed and reproducible analysis

Be the first to benefit from the new Spark® Cyto 3Dai analysis tools. Watch the launch webinar to learn how to:

  • Automate your 3D cell culture workflows – including cell seeding cultivation, monitoring of 3D cell aggregate quality and final analysis – to increase throughput and reproducibility
  • Scale your experiments from 6- to 384-well plates, including formats with high density microwell structures
  • Multiplex plate reading and cell image analysis for reliable insights, such as ATP level and spheroid growth



Empower your lab with end-to-end workflow solutions from one supplier

Level up your cell-based research with start-to-end workflow solutions out of one hand​


Fluent®​ Automation Workstation

  • Automated cell seeding and medium exchange including handling of Matrigel® matrices.
  • Scalable workflows from 6- to 1,536-well plates, including integration of centrifuges, incubators and cell imaging systems
  • Ensure a sterile environment with an integrated HEPA hood

Spark Cyto live cell imaging multimode reader

  • Automate cell culture monitoring, with bright field and fluorescence imaging to ensure reliable results
  • Whole-well imaging of microplates, for rapid analysis without compromise
  • Full environmental control of gas and temperature, to support undisturbed cell growth

D300e ​Digital Dispenser

  • Automate dispensing of small molecules and biomolecules from picoliter to microliter scales
  • Generate dose-response curves, synergy experiments or serial dilutions from stock solutions
  • Save reagents and valuable time in drug development

Spark Cyto live cell imaging multimode reader

  • Multiplex plate reading and cell image analysis for reliable insights, such as ATP levels and spheroid growth
  • Effortless scale up from 6- to 384-well plate formats
  • AI-based analysis of cell responses in real time following drug delivery

Watch expert talks

Automated production of spheroids by magnetic cell assembly for drug response profiling.

Full automation workflow

Automated production of spheroids by magnetic cell assembly for drug response profiling.

Scaling experiments with patient-derived organoids through automation and AI-based image analysis.

Automated AI-based tumoroid analysis

Scaling experiments with patient-derived organoids through automation and AI-based image analysis.

Coupling organ-on-a-chip and multimode plate readers: Real-time assessment of snake venom toxicity on a three-dimensional blood vessel model.

Harnessing organ-on-a-chip formats

Coupling organ-on-a-chip and multimode plate readers: Real-time assessment of snake venom toxicity on a three-dimensional blood vessel model.

Click on the link to download:

Click on the link to download:

Click on the link to download:

Talk to an expert to discuss your needs.

Our solutions are designed to reliably scale up your research with reproducible results.

Tecan D300e Digital Dispenser and Spark Cyto are for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Tecan D300e Digital Dispenser is a product of HP Inc. CA, USA.