ERR008 No Plate Error

1. Usual root causes

An issue prevents the instrument from detecting a plate on the plate carrier when a program is started.

2. First aid

Make sure that there is a plate correctly inserted onto the plate carrier.

  •  Only 96-well format plates with a footprint according to ANSI/SBS 1-2004 can be recognized.
  •  Make sure that the frame of the microplate in the top left corner is not slanted.

Remove the plate carrier according to the operating manual and reinstall after performing the following actions:

  •  Clean the guiding bar.
  •  Clean the plate carrier.
  •  Check the correct operation of the centering mechanism.

3. Typical solution

If the issue cannot be resolved, contact Tecan® to schedule an onsite intervention or to send the instrument for in-house repair.

4. Further recommendations

This error can be avoided by using only plates with a footprint according to ANSI/SBS 1-2004 and by cleaning the instrument according to instructions in the operating manual.

5. Next steps

• Note your instrument serial number.
• If the instrument is controlled by HydroControl™, save the log files.
• Create a service request and include the serial number and log files.

Tecan Helpdesk


Further Help

Hydroflex™_How To 


Link to Tecan Product Page

HydroFlex™ Plus microplate washer

