1. Usual root causes
An issue causes the instrument to detect a steploss after a program has finished. The details in the error message indicate whether the steploss is detected with the plate carrier x-transport, the wash head z-transport, or the plate carrier y-transport.
2. First aid
• Check where the steploss error was found.
- If the steploss error was in the plate carrier x-transport (left/right):
Check that nothing is preventing the free movement in the left and right directions.
Check that the plate carrier and black strips underneath are clean.
Check that the centering mechanism is operating as expected.
- If the steploss error was in the wash head z-transport (up/down):
Check that nothing is preventing the free movement up and down.
- If the steploss error was in the plate carrier y-transport (forwards/backwards):
Check that nothing is preventing the free movement forwards and backwards.
Check that the plate carrier and black strips underneath are clean.
Check that the plate carrier is correctly installed on the instrument; for details, refer to the instructions for use.
3. Typical solution
If the issue cannot be resolved, contact Tecan® to schedule an onsite intervention or to send the instrument for in-house repair.
4. Further recommendations
This error can be avoided by keeping the instrument clean and not interacting with the moving parts during operation.
5. Next steps
• Note your instrument serial number.
• If the instrument is controlled by HydroControl™, save the log files.
• Create a service request and include the serial number and log files.
Further help
Link to Tecan Product Page