1. Usual root causes
An issue causes the instrument to detect bubbles within the liquid line inside the instrument while running a program.
2. First aid
• Make sure the instrument is sufficiently primed with buffer.
• Check the liquid to be used for the presence of bubbles.
- If the liquid is used directly out of a refrigerator, it will likely start degassing as it gets warmer.
- If detergent is used in the liquid, it is likely that there will be foam.
• If the bubble sensor reacts too sensitively, it can be switched off in the “Settings” menu.
3. Typical solution
If the issue cannot be resolved, contact Tecan® to schedule an onsite intervention or to send the instrument for in-house repair.
4. Further recommendations
This error can be avoided by correctly preparing liquids prior to use.
5. Next steps
• Note your instrument serial number.
• If the instrument is controlled by HydroControl™, save the log files.
• Create a service request and include the serial number and log files.
Further help
Link to Tecan Product Page