This article covers compatibility of the Freedom EVOware® software with Windows® Operating System.
Tecan application software for the Freedom EVO® liquid handling platform, comes with system requirements for a specific Windows version. For recent releases, most Tecan application software is compatible with Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC edition. This means that the software has only been validated and verified for the specific Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC version (check Release Notes and the compatibility list).
Hence, Tecan can only guarantee full functionality and ongoing support if the appropriate Windows version is used!
What is Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC?
LTSC (= Long Term Service Channel) is a Windows edition which only receives quality updates (i.e. bug fixes and security patches) but no feature updates. The LTSC edition has a full support of 5-10 years for each edition from Microsoft. In contrast, Semi-Annual Channel (SAC) releases are supported for 18 months and receive feature updates regularly. LTSC editions are preferably used by Tecan to validate and verify application software, because they do not receive features and functionalities updates over the lifetime of the release. For more information on this product please check Microsoft webpages.
Compatibility table for recent releases:
Freedom EVOware® |
V 2.8 SP5 |
LTSC 2019 (=1809) |
2022-01 |
V 2.8 SP6 |
LTSC 2019 (=1809) & LTSC 2021 (=21H2) |
2022-11 |
For older versions of Freedom EVOware® software please check the Compatibility list in the Master Installation CD or contact your local Helpdesk.
Further help
For further help, please refer to our Helpdesk.
Link to Tecan Product Page: