How to enable the inline filter after its replacement

For an Air Flexible Channel Arm™ (AirFCA) the inline filter provides extra protection to the channel against over aspiration.

A Fluent® system equipped with an AirFCA has an inline filter inside the DiTi cone. This inline filter provides extra protection against over-aspiration of the channel during pipetting. The Air FCA Routine Maintenance method includes an inline filter check, which detects wet, damaged, mispositioned, or missing filters. 


Inline Filter Maintenance

  1. Replacing the Inline Filter:
    • After replacing the inline filter following a failed inline filter test, the user should check if the channel is marked as broken in the configure system menu. If the channel is marked as broken, the user can re-enable it. (Refer to pic 1)
  2. Performing a New Inline Filter Test:
    • A new inline filter test must be performed to reassess the relative filter resistance. Once the test is passed, the instrument can be used as normal. The inline filter test can be run as a direct command or through a script or method such as the AirFCA Routine Maintenance.

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