How to teach multiple compartments for pipetting with different arms

How to teach so Flexible Channel Arm™ (FCA) and Multiple Channel Arm™ (MCA) can pipette more accurately within the same labware.

A  Fluent®  system equipped with both an FCA and an MCA can have slightly different positioning when pipetting in the same labware. Each arm may have slightly different alignments, and for most applications, teaching with one value is sufficient. However, for very small fine wells (e.g., 384 wells) or other special applications, it can be beneficial to teach each arm separately.

Teaching Different Arms for X and Y Positioning in the Same Labware

  1. Adding and Editing Labware:

    • To teach the different arms' X and Y positioning in the same labware, first add the labware to the deck and edit the labware (right-click the labware or open it from the labware tab on the left). In the edit labware section, expand the positioning and teaching section.
  2. Creating Compartments:

    • Navigate to the compartments section and increase the number from 1 to 2. This allows you to teach each arm for a specific compartment, e.g., the FCA can be taught in compartment 1 and the MCA in compartment 2.
  3. Teaching Indication:

    • FluentControl™  will now indicate which arm is available for teaching based on what is selected in the Move Tool.
  4. Teaching Compartment 1 (FCA):

    • Mount Tips: Mount tips on the FCA channels. Only one tip is needed unless the Z positions will also be taught. This can be done through a script or with a direct command.
    • Select Compartment: In the labware editor teaching section, determine which compartment should be taught. Most users keep the same convention throughout, e.g., compartment 1 for FCA on all labware. There will be an indicator showing which arm is currently selected for teaching based on what is selected in the Move Tool.
    • Move to Position: In the labware editor teaching section, there is a "Move to" button next to the X and Y position for position 1 (the other position listed will change based on the type of labware selected; in this example, it will be 384 because it is a 384 plate). With the FCA selected in the Move Tool, move to this position by hitting the button.
    • Adjust Position: Using the Move Tool or with the arm in Zero-G, lower the channel(s) towards the labware. Once it is 1-2 mm above the labware, check that the tip is centered in both X and Y above the well. If adjustments are needed, use the small adjustment buttons on the Move Tool or move the arm by hand if it is in Zero-G.
    • Save Position: Once the position is as desired, ensure that Zero-G is turned off, then hit the "Transfer" button for X and Y position 1. If the chain link symbol is connected, it will also update the other position automatically. In most cases, this should be left linked.
    • Save Changes: Hit "Save" or "Save and Close" in the labware editor.
      Comp1Figure 1. Compartment 1 selected in the "Correct compartment" section 
  5. Teaching Compartment 2 (MCA):

    • Mount Tips: Mount the tips that will be used most for this labware on the MCA. This can be done through a direct command or with a script.
    • Select Compartment: In the labware editor teaching section, change the compartment. In this example, compartment 2 will be used for the MCA. There will be an indicator showing which arm is currently selected for teaching based on what is selected in the Move Tool.
    • Move to Position: In the labware editor teaching section, there is a "Move to" button next to the X and Y position for position 1 (the other position listed will change based on the type of labware selected; in this example, it will be 384 because it is a 384 plate). With the MCA selected in the Move Tool, move to this position by hitting the button.
    • Adjust Position: Using the Move Tool or with the arm in Zero-G, lower the MCA head towards the labware. Once it is 1-2 mm above the labware, check that the tip is centered in both X and Y above the well. If adjustments are needed, use the small adjustment buttons on the Move Tool or by hand with Zero-G.
    • Check Position: To check if the X and Y position is correct, with the arm in Zero-G, move it to the bottom of the labware so that the channels are lightly touching. Alternatively, in the labware editor, in the Z coordinates section, hit "Move to Z-max" (Z-bottom should not be used to avoid possible collisions). In the labware editor, in the Z coordinates section, hit "Move to Z-Travel." This should retract the head from the labware. Watch the plate to see if the labware moves or shakes. Adjust as needed and repeat until the MCA can retract smoothly.
    • Save Position: Once the position is as desired, ensure the arm is not in Zero-G, then hit the "Transfer" button for X and Y position 1. If the chain link symbol is connected, it will also update the other position automatically. In most cases, this should be left linked.
    • Save Changes: Hit "Save" or "Save and Close" in the labware editor.

      Comp2Figure 1. Compartment 1 selected in the "Correct compartment" section

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