This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple worklist file for use with Freedom EVOware.
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple worklist file for use with Freedom EVOware.
How to Use a Worklist
The "Worklist" command loads and executes a worklist file, which contains pipetting instructions such as source and destination positions and volumes. Multiple worklists can be loaded and used sequentially in a script. Worklists are particularly useful for tasks like cherry-picking or normalization. They are beneficial when the script remains the same, but the pipetting actions change daily based on user requirements.
Worklists are executed using a .gwl file, which can be created manually via a text editor or automatically imported using the "Worklist Import" command. This command converts pipetting information from a .csv file into a .gwl file. Note that the process of importing worklists using the "Import Worklist from CSV" command is not discussed in this article.
Structure of a Simple. gwl File
A simple .gwl file should include commands defined for each tip:
- A: Aspirate
- D: Dispense
- W: Wash (Fixed Tip LiHas) / Drop/Replace DiTi (Disposable Tip LiHas)
It is possible to perform multi-pipetting with the worklist if creating it manually. However, multi-pipetting is not possible when importing data from a .csv file. Below is an example:
- Tip 1 performs multi-pipetting, while Tip 2 performs single pipetting.
- Every D (Dispense) command between an A (Aspirate) and a W (Wash/Drop DiTi) will be part of the pipetting process with one channel.
It's crucial to ensure that the delimiter (semicolon) is positioned correctly between each data item when creating a .gwl file to avoid errors during the run. Note that EVOware uses well positions 1-96 instead of the Parameter A1-H12 convention.
Basic Commands for Simple Worklists
Other basic commands for simple worklists include:
- WD: Decontamination Wash (for fixed tips only)
- F: Flush (discards the contents of the tips without washing them or dropping DiTis)
- B: Break (sets a point in the file where everything above that point must be executed before everything below that point)
- S: Set DiTi Type (used to switch DiTi types from within a worklist)
- C: Comment (a comment record that does not change the behavior in Freedom EVOware®, but displays in the runtime controller for the operator to have an overview of the current position in the worklist)
Advanced Worklists
When using Advanced Worklists, the liquid class defined in the worklist takes precedence over the script-defined class. Advanced Worklist options are available; refer to the software manual for details.
For further guidance on worklist formatting, including both basic and advanced worklists, please refer to Chapter 15.27 "Worklist Command" of the Freedom EVOware software manual.
Further Help
For further help, please refer to our Helpdesk.
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