This article describes how to manage users in Introspect
The user management shows a list of all created users in your organization. It shows the details on how many roles they have and how many instruments they have access to.
By selecting the user the details menu will be opened and allows to manage the roles and permissions.
You can modify the permissions of a user by clicking on the beside his “Roles and Applications”
Inviting new users
You can invite new users in your organization by clicking on the “Invite” button.
This opens a dialog where you can type the name of the user (last name), the first name of the user, his/her email and to assign him one or more roles.
Clicking on invite will send an invitation email to the user. He will have to click the link to verify the email.
The user will remain Inactive until his first login in Introspect and will change to active after the first login.
Modifying existing users
You can modify the permissions of a user by clicking on the beside his “Roles and Applications”.
Removing users
User(s) can be removed from the organization by clicking on the Recycle bin icon to the right side.
A user cannot delete himself and the last administrator cannot be removed.
Further help
For further help, please refer to our Helpdesk.
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