The DriverFramework (DFW) is a Labwerx’s software solution to manage and integrate various devices in FluentControl™ and Freedom EVOware®.
Checking Driver Status
When experiencing issues with drivers installed via DriverFramework, the first step is to check the driver status. Navigate to Start -> Labwerx Driver Framework -> DriverFramework.
Under Driver Settings, you can check the status of each driver using the following indicators:
- Running: A green icon indicates that a module is performing some macro action.
- Warning: An orange icon indicates that a module has a runtime warning.
- Enabled & Idle: A white icon indicates that a module is in real mode but currently inactive.
- Simulation: A grey icon indicates that a module is in simulation mode.
- Error: A red icon indicates that a module is in an error state and requires initialization or troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting Drivers in Error State
To troubleshoot a driver that is in an error state, please follow these steps:
Check Driver Selection and I/O State:-
- Ensure the driver is selected in FluentControl -> Configure -> Available Drivers and that the I/O state is set to "On".
- Ensure the driver is selected in FluentControl -> Configure -> Available Drivers and that the I/O state is set to "On".
- Ensure you perform the actions in this order: Start the Fluent instrument, then FluentControl, and finally DriverFramework. If DriverFramework is opened before FluentControl, it will not be able to establish a connection with the Fluent instrument or FluentControl, preventing driver initialization via FluentControl.
- Verify that the driver has a valid license installed. Drivers can be tested free of charge for 30 days with a test license, which can be requested from your local Helpdesk. Once the license expires, you will need a new one issued based on your instrument's serial number.
- Ensure the correct serial port is selected in the driver’s settings.
To verify the correct port selection, go to Macros, select Advanced, and Initialize the driver.
If the settings in FluentControl are correct, you followed the correct startup sequence, the license is valid, and your driver can initialize in standalone mode, please collect the FluentControl log files via the Snapshot Tool and the DriverFramework logs for further troubleshooting. Note that DriverFramework logs are not included in the Snapshot log file collection and can be found at:
Further Help
For further help, please refer to our Helpdesk.
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