What is the difference between "Reagent Distribution" and "Sample Transfer" smart commands?

Smart commands allow users to quickly and easily create pipetting instructions, though the commands are similar they are tailored to specific situations.

FluentControl™ contains multiple smart commands to assist users quickly and easily with common workflows they may have in the lab. Smart Commands replace several script commands such as Get DiTi’s, Aspirate, Dispense, Drop DiTi’s etc. During the runtime, FluentControl creates a script containing the commands Get DiTi’s, Aspirate, Dispense and Drop DiTi’s, based on the parameters given in the command. These scripts are temporary saved in the folder “Temp Scripts” (Figure 1.) and can be saved and used as stand-alone scripts.


RDST3Figure 1. Where to find Temporary scripts.


For the Flexible Channel Arm™ (FCA) two commands are particularly useful the Reagent Distribution (Figure 2.) and the Sample transfer (Figure 3.). The “Reagent distribution” command allows you to define pipetting steps for transferring reagents or buffers, so transferring from a single source to multiple wells of destination labware, while “Sample transfer” command transfers samples from multiple sources into single destination labware. Both commands allow user to specify where the controls will be placed as well as specify multiple features, such as row-wise or column-wise pipetting and replicates. Each command also allows for variables to be used in the text boxes as well, so for example instead of a static volume of 100ul a variable VOL (Or any allowed name) can be used where input files or user input can change the value of these variables depending on the need for that run.


RDST1Figure 2. "Regent distribution" smart command


RDST2Figure 3. "Sample transfer" smart command


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