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  3. D300e Digital Dispenser - How To...

Where can I download the software for the D300e Digital Dispenser?


1. D300eControl and D300eControl Data Merge

You can download the software to design your titration and dispensing protocols at D300eControl. Insert your credentials and sign in to access the installers.

Download and open the file named ‘Tecan D300eControl Installer x.x.x.exe’, where x.x.x will be the latest available software version.


To install D300e Control, click on ‘Install software’; if your computer is connected to the instrument, also click on ‘Install device driver’. If you are interested in dispensing using the Randomization function, please install D300e Control Data Merge as well, by clicking on ‘Install data merge’.

No license number is necessary to register the software, and it can be installed on laptops other than the one connected to the D300e, for example, to prepare the titration protocols or de-randomize the data.


2. D300eControl Run-Only and D300ePattern


You will also find the installer for the Run-Only version of D300e Control (‘Tecan D300eControl Run-Only Installer x.x.x.exe’) and for D300e Pattern (‘Tecan D300ePattern Installer x.x.x.exe’) at D300eControl

D300e Control Run-Only can be used to limit the actions of D300e users to solely the execution of the protocol. It can be installed on the computer connected to the D300e. Please note that you cannot install both D300e Control and D300e Control Run-Only on the same computer.

D300e Pattern can be used to dispense your reagents into the wells in a spatially-controlled way.

If this is the first time you have downloaded these two additional software modules, please feel free to contact your local helpdesk for further guidance (Contact Us, tecan.com)


3. Further Help
For further help, please refer to our Helpdesk.

Liquid Handling

D300e Digital Dispenser - Tips & Tricks


Link to Tecan Product Page:

D300e Digital Dispenser

