How to get started - New Users

This articles explains how to get started with Introspect for new users.

1. If you and your company use IntrospectTM the first time, this is how you get started:

  • A Power User of your company will create an account by signing up to Introspect
  • The Power User will be administrator in the Organization Management in Introspect and can invite more users to your organization
  • Instrument(s) need to be registered with the IoT Client. Note: local Windows administrator rights are required for the setup.
  • Prerequisites for the installation:
    • Internet connection on the PC of the instrument (only certain ports need to be whitelisted, see below)
    • IoT Client V2.8 needs to be installed
  • After the instrument(s) are registered to Introspect, they have to be assigned to a structure in Organization Management, at minimum one layer must be assigned with instruments and users.

2. Signing up for a Tecan Account

If you are an administrator of the organization, you will signup for a new organization as described below. If your company already has an administrator, your new account shall be created by the administrator of your organization. As described in Organisation Management.

Go to to signup for a new account.

Following that form you will get an activation email to confirm your email-address. After clicking on the activation link in the email, the account will be created automatically.

After that you can login to Introspect here:

Go to Signup and enter your email-address and a new password, your first name and last name and check the box to agree to the terms of service and continue with signup.


A new page will be shown to inform you to check your email inbox for the activation email.


Activate your account by clicking the button in the email.


A new page should show that the email verification was successful and you can return to the application.


Note: In case you see the Error 403 when trying to return to the application, it might take about a minute until it’s ready. You can try it again after that moment by clicking Go Home.



Further help

For further help, please refer to our Helpdesk.


Link to Tecan Product Page

IntrospectTM Page 

