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  2. Liquid Handling
  3. D300e Digital Dispenser - Tips & Tricks

D300e does not dispense correctly: what to do

Short step-by-step guide to identify the cause of D300e not dispensing correctly


To troubleshoot the issue you are experiencing, please go through the following steps: 


1. What solvent are your molecules dissolved in?

D300e can just dispense DMSO or aqueous buffers with surfactant. Other solvents, such as aqueous buffers without surfactants, will not be dispensed correctly. Please see the following links for further details: 

2. What is the concentration of the stock you loaded on the cassette? 

Please note that the maximum concentration that can be dispensed with D300e depends on the size of the molecule, and that the aqueous buffer concentration (e.g. PBS) cannot exceed 150 mM. Above these concentration limits the cassette may not work correctly, due to clogging or high viscosity. Further information can be found at this link: What are the concentration limits?

3. Are you loading the cassettes correctly? 

When loading the fluid onto the cassettes, take care to follow these two steps: 

  1. The pipette tip should touch the black spot inside the white reservoir.
  2. Dispense to the first stop of the plunger, NOT to the second. In this way you’ll avoid the formation of bubbles in the dispensing chamber.


4. Did you try a different cassette lot?

Please try to dispense with a different cassette lot. If this solves the problem, please contact us through your local helpdesk or distributor (add here helpdesk contact list) stating the defective cassette lot.  

If none of these steps solved the issue, please contact our  Tecan Helpdesk. In the ticket created please include description of the software error (attach a picture to the ticket if available), protocol used for experiment where dispensing did not work and D300eControl version. 


Link to Tecan Product Page: 

D300e Digital Dispenser 

