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April 26, 2006 | Corporate News | English

Tecan's shareholders approve all proposals of the Board of Directors

Zurich, Switzerland, April 26, 2006 - Tecan Group Ltd’s General Meeting of today approved all proposals by the Board of Directors. A resolution was made to distribute an unchanged dividend of CHF 0.45 per registered share. The shareholders elected a new additional member to the Board of Directors, Heino von Prondzynski. They also approved the creation of authorized capital and conditional capital, as well as the introduction of graduated terms of office for members of the Board of Directors.

The shareholders adopted the annual report, the annual financial statements, and the consolidated financial statements, and granted discharge to the Board of Directors. They also approved the Board of Director's proposed appropriation of earnings. KPMG Fides Peat, Zurich, was confirmed as the auditor for the company and the group for fiscal year 2006.

The Board of Directors' proposal regarding the creation of authorized and conditional capital was approved, giving the Board fast-track authority to raise funds on the capital market or issue new shares in order to finance possible acquisitions.


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For further information please contact:

Tecan Group Ltd.

Annabelle Brameshuber
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations

Phone +41 (0) 44 922 84 30
Fax +41 (0) 44 922 88 89