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Zurich, Switzerland, 19 September 2001 – The new Te-Sonic device is a versatile ultrasonic detector for blood pooling applications and sample transfer verification. When used with the Genesis Robotic Sample Processor (Genesis RSP), Te-Sonic provides a fully automated solution for checking that the correct volume of sample has been dispensed into validated Te-Sonic collection tubes. Blood banks, reference and diagnostic laboratories will benefit significantly from the speed and reliability of Te -Sonic in checking blood pooling procedures for nucleic acid testing (NAT).
Blood banks routinely carry out a large number of diagnostic tests to ensure the safety of blood, plasma and other blood products before use. In many cases, polymerase chain reaction tests (NAT) are performed on individual blood samples to check for a wide range of infectious agents such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B and C viruses. Te -Sonic provides a much needed way of assuring the utmost safety in verifying sample transfer during blood pooling procedures.
The Te-Sonic device is the first of its kind to combine an ultrasound detector with a high throughput platform for blood pooling. In addition, Te-Sonic removes the need for archive checks and tubeweighing procedures. After each sample transfer, the ultrasonic detector moves above Te -Sonic sample tubes to measure the change in sample height in each tube and to confirm that the correct volume of liquid has been dispensed. To guarantee safety, the Te -Sonic device must be used with validated Te-Sonic pooling tubes. The Genesis RSP may include up to four ultrasonic sensors. Each sensor may act in parallel on tubes in 16-sample racks with a maximum measurement time of 2.0 s per sample. This means more than 30 measurements per minute for each sensor when used with the best of the currently available blood pooling strategies. Te-Sonic is controlled by the Logic 2.5.2 software that is fully compatible with Tecan’s proven Pooling Management Software. The software delivers outstanding performance and controls all steps in the pooling procedure.
Dr. Martin Stolz from the Department of PCR Diagnostics, Blood Transfusion Service SRC Bern Ltd., Swiss Red Cross, commented: "As the biggest blood transfusion service in Switzerland, we are responsible for providing safe blood to everyone on demand. Consequently, the highest standards need to be applied to all steps in our test procedures. In our department, we have used blood pooling systems on Tecan robotic sample processors for more than three years to test all blood donations by polymerase chain reaction (NAT). Until now, monitoring that the sample material was correctly dispensed into the minipools, a crucial step in the procedure, was a weak point in the whole process. We were not satisfied with the existing verification methods of weighing blood pools or visually monitoring the pooling process after dispensing. We have now successfully used the Te -Sonic device to test our blood pooling procedures. The ability of Te-Sonic to verify correct sample transfer reliably to every minipool exceeds the highest safety standards that we demand for our blood pooling verification procedures. At the same time, this unique device offers high measurement speeds. We are currently working on the integration of Te-Sonic into all our blood pooling procedures".
The Te-Sonic device is available to existing customers through an upgrade. New customers may order a complete system to meet their automated needs in blood pooling. Te-Sonic fully meets European regulatory requirements for a device used with the Genesis RSP (CE mark granted). In the United States, Tecan will provide compatible software for US blood pooling stations.
Te-Sonic is scheduled for release in the United States early next year. The Te-Sonic detection device comes complete with the protocols, service and support required to obtain optimal system performance. This competitively priced device delivers precision, reliability and outstanding performance for blood pooling procedures.
Product information:
Tecan Group Ltd.
Cornelia Kegele
Manager Marketing Communications and Branding
Tel.: +41 (0)44 922 81 11
Fax: +41 (0)44 922 82 81
Editorial contact:
Rochat & Partners
Barry Whyte
Tel.: +41 (0)22 786 54 55
Fax: +41 (0)22 786 54 58