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Tecan Trading AG
AC Extraction Plate™
Adaptive Signal Technology™ (AST)
Air Flexible Channel Arm™
Air Liquid Handling Arm™
ARP Technology™
Cavro® Air Displacement Pipettor (ADP)
Cavro® Centris Pump
Cavro® Fusion Software
Cavro® Hub
Cavro® Input/Output Board (IO)
Cavro® Integration Kit - Basic
Cavro® Integration Kit - Internet
Cavro® Integration Kit - Power
Cavro® Linear Option Board (LO)
Cavro® Magni Flex
Cavro® Magni Flex featuring Air Restriction Pipettor (ARP)
Cavro® Magni Flex featuring Pulssar PBC Pumps
Cavro® MiniWash Pump (MW)
Cavro® Multi Function Module (MFP)
Cavro® Omni Flex
Cavro® Omni Hub
Cavro® Omni Robot
Cavro® plastic valves
Cavro® Pulssar PBC Pump
Cavro® pumps
Cavro® robotics
Cavro® Smart Peristaltic Pump (SP)
Cavro® Smart Valve (SV)
Cavro® XC Solenoid Valve 3+
Cavro® XC Solenoid Valve 3P
Cavro® XCalibur Pump (XC)
Cavro® XE 1000 Pump (XE)
Cavro® XLP 6000 Pump (XLP)
Cavro® XLP Syringe
Cavro® XMP 6000 Pump (XMP)
Cell Chip™
Cell Protection™
DreamPrep® NAP
DreamPrep® NGS
DreamPrep® NGS Compact
Dynamic Deck™
Empowered with Tecan®
Finger Exchange System™
Flexible Channel Arm™
Fluent Carousel™
Fluent ID™
Fluent Stacker™
Freedom EVOlution™ Software
Freedom EVOlyzer®
Freedom EVOsim™
Freedom EVOware®
Freedom EVOware® Plus
Freedom EVO®
Freedom EVO® ELISA
Frida Reader™
Image Analyzer™
Infinite® 200 PRO series
Infinite® F Nano+
Infinite® F Plex
Infinite® F50
Infinite® F50 Robotic
Infinite® Lumi
Infinite® M Nano
Infinite® M Nano+
Infinite® M Plex
Instant Pipetting™
Lid Lifter™
Liquid Handling Arm™
Live Viewer™
MultiChannel Arm™ 96
Multiple Channel Arm™ 96 and 384
NanoQuant Plate™
Path Finder™
Phase Separator™
Pick and Place Arm™
Premium QuadX Monochromators™
ProfiBlot™ T48
QC Pac™ 1 and QC Pac™ 2
Resolvex® i300
Robotic Gripper Arm™
Robotic Manipulator Arm™
Spark® Cyto
Tecan CNS™
Tecan Connect™
Tecan D300e™
Tecan Labwerx™
Tecan Piercing Tips™
Tecan Remote™
Tecan Service™
Tecan ®
TICE™ - Technology
Tube Rotator™
Uno Single Cell Dispenser™
Tecan Schweiz AG

(a subsidiary of Tecan Group AG)

Tecan Genomics, Inc.

(a subsidiary of Tecan Group AG)

Allegro® Targeted Genotyping V2
Celero™ DNA-Seq
Celero™ EZ DNA-Seq
Imagine More From Less®
MagicPrep® NGS
Ovation® RNA Amplification System V2
Ovation® RNA-Seq System V2
Ovation® Ultralow DNA-Seq V2
Ovation® Whole Blood Solution
Rapid EZ DNA-Seq™
Revelo® DNA-seq Enz for MagicPrep
Revelo® DNA-seq Mech for MagicPrep
Revelo® mRNA-seq for MagicPrep
Revelo® RNA-Seq High Sensitivity
Trio RNA-Seq™
Trio RNA-Seq™ + UDI, rRNA AnyDeplete®
Trio RNA-Seq™, rRNA AnyDeplete®
Universal Plus™ mRNA-Seq with NuQuant® + UDI
Universal Plus™ Total RNA-Seq with NuQuant®
Universal Prokaryotic RNA-Seq™
Universal RNA-Seq™ with NuQuant® + UDI, AnyDeplete®
Universal RNA-Seq™ with NuQuant®, AnyDeplete®
Tecan SP, Inc.

(a subsidiary of Tecan Group AG)

Cerex® Atlas
Cerex® Concentrator 48
Narrow Bore Extraction™
NBE Columns™
NBE Plates™
Resolvex® A100 48
Resolvex® A100 96
Resolvex® A200
Resolvex® A200 24
Resolvex® A200 Omics
Resolvex® i300
Resolvex® M10 48
Resolvex® M10 96
Resolvex® Prep
IBL International GmbH

(a subsidiary of Tecan Group AG)

Tecan CDMO Solutions MH, Corp. (formerly Paramit, Corp.)

(a subsidiary of Tecan Group AG)

Registered Trademarks of Third Parties
Agilent®, BenchCel®, Bioanalyzer®, BioCel®, Cary®, HaloPlex®, PlateLoc®, SureSelect® and TapeStation® are registered trademarks of Agilent Technologies Ltd., Santa Clara, CA, US
454 Sequencing®, 454®, CASY®, Cedex®, emPCR®, KAPA®, MagNA Pure®, REM® and Taqman® are registered trademarks of Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, DE
AB Sciex®, AgriSeq®, Alexa Fluor®, Ampliseq®, ChargeSwitch®, Dynabeads®, Dynal®, E-GEL®, ExpiCHO®, EZ Bead®, GeneBlazer®, GIBCO®, Identifiler®, Ion Chef®, Ion PGM®, Ion Proton®, Ion Xpress®, LanthaScreen®, MagMax®, PrepFiler®, PrestoBlue® and PureLink® are registered trademarks of Life Technologies Corp., Carlsbad, CA, US (a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.)
ABI Prism®, AmpFLSTR®, Applied Biosystems®, Quantifiler® and Yfiler® are registered trademarks of Applied Biosystems LLC, Foster City, CA, US (a subsidiary of Life Technologies, Corp. which is a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.)
ActiveX®, DirectX®, Excel®, Internet Explorer®, Microsoft Access®, Microsoft ®, Visual Basic®, Windows Mobile® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., Redmont, WA, US
Adaptive Focused Acoustics® and Covaris® are registered trademarks of Covaris, Inc., Woburn, MA, US
alamarBlue® is a registered trademark of TREK Diagnostic Systems, Inc., Cleveland, OH, US (a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.)
Alvetex® is a registered trademark of Reinnervate Ltd., Durham, GB
Amaxa® is a registered trademark of Lonza Cologne GmbH, Köln, DE

(a subsidiary of Lonza Ltd.)

Vi-Cell®, Agencourt®, AMPure® and Beckman Coulter® are registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc., Brea, CA, US (a subsidiary of Danaher, Corp.)
Amersham® is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare Ltd., Little Chalfont Bucks, GB
App Store®, Apple®, iPhone® and iPod® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, US
Microtiter®, Multidrop®, Multiskan® and Varioskan® are registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific Oy, Vantaa, FI
Aquamax®, FLIPR Tetra®, FLIPR®, IMAP®, Molecular Devices®, Pathcheck®, Picogreen®, Spectramax® and Stakmax® are registered trademarks of Molecular Devices LLC, Sunnyvale, CA, US (a subsidiary of Danaher, Corp.)
Array-Pro® is a registered trademark of Media Cybernetics, Inc., Bethesda, MD, US
ArrayScan® and Cellomics® are registered trademarks of Cellomics, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, US
AutoTrace® is a registered trademark of Dionex Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, US (a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.)
Axioskop® and Zeiss® are registered trademarks of Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, DE
Bioreader® is a registered trademark of BIO-SYS GmbH, Karben, DE
Bacillol® and Bomix® are registered trademarks of Bode Chemie GmbH & Co, Hamburg, DE
BD® and Vacutainer® are registered trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ, US
Bio-Plex®, Bio-Rad®, Chelex®, Hard-Shell® and MJ Research® are registered trademarks of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA, US
Bruker® is a registered trademark of Bruker Analytik GmbH, Rheinstetten, DE
Caliper®, LabChip®, SciClone® and Twister® are registered trademarks of Caliper Life Science, Inc., Alameda, CA, US

(a subsidiary of Revvity Inc.)

Caspase-­Glo®, CellTiter-Glo®, DLR®, Enliten®, HaloTag®, Magnesil®, Maxwell®, NanoBRET®, NanoLuc®, PowerPlex®, Promega® and Wizard® are registered trademarks of Promega Corp., Madison, WI, US
Cervista®, Hologic®, PreservCyt® and ThinPrep® are registered trademarks of Hologic, Inc., Marlborough, MA, US
Contrad® and Decon® are registered trademarks of Decon Laboratories, Inc., King of Prussia, PA, US
Corning®, Costar® and Matrigel® are registered trademarks of Corning, Inc., Corning, NY, US
CyBio® is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena GmbH, Jena, DE

(a subsidiary of Analytik Jena AG)

Contracon® and Cytomat® are registered trademarks of Thermo Electron LED GmbH, Langenselbold, DE

(a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific)

Daltonics® is a registered trademark of Bruker Scientific, LLC, Billerica, MA, US
Domino® is a registered trademark of Domino Printing Sciences Ltd., Cambridge, GB
Techne® is a registered trademark of Bibby Scientific, Inc., London, GB
Eppendorf Research®, Eppendorf Tubes®, Eppendorf® and ThermoMixer® are registered trademarks of Eppendorf AG, Hamburg, DE
Duraseal®, Hydra®, Matrix®, Trakmates®, VisionMate® and Wellmate® are registered trademarks of Matrix Technologies Corp., Waltham, NH, US (a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.)
Envision® is a registered trademark of Revvity Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore, SG

(a subsidiary of Revvity Inc.)

Etimark® is a registered trademark of Etimark GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Nauheim, DE
ForteBio® is a registered trademark of Sartorius AG, Goettingen, DE
Whatman® is a registered trademark of Global Life Science Solutions Operations UK Ltd., Sheffield, GB

(a subsidiary of GE Healthcare Life Sciences)

GE Healthcare® is a registered trademark of General Electric Corp., Schenectady, NY, US
Geno/Grinder® is a registered trademark of Spex SamplePrep LLC, Metuchen, NJ, US
Greiner®, UV-Star® and Vacuette® are registered trademarks of Greiner Bio-One GmbH, Kremsmünster, DE
Heidolph® is a registered trademark of Hans Heidolph GmbH, Kelheim, DE
Hettich® and Rotanta® are registered trademarks of Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co KG, Tuttlingen, DE
Bavencio®, Eshmuno®, Fractogel®, His•Bind®, His•Tag®, Merck Millipore®, Millicell®, Milliplex®, Millipore®, Novagen®, Popculture®, ProSep® and ZipTip® are registered trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, DE
IDEXX® and XCHEK® are registered trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. , Westbrook, ME, US
IKA® is a registered trademark of IKA - Werke Gmbh & Co. KG, Staufen, DE
Intel® is a registered trademark of Intel Corp., Santa Clara, CA, US
Keyence® is a registered trademark of Keyence Corp., Osaka, JP
Julabo® is a registered trademark of JULABO GmbH, Seelbach, DE
Kalrez® is a registered trademark of Dupont Performance Elastomers LLC, Wilmington, DE, US
Kern® is a registered trademark of Kern & Sohn GmbH, Balingen, DE
Lauda® is a registered trademark of Lauda Dr. R. Wobser GmbH & Co. KG, Lauda-Königshofen, DE
Liconics®, Liconic® and Storex® are registered trademarks of Liconic AG, Mauren, AD Liechtenstein
Luminex® is a registered trademark of Luminex Corp., Austin, TX, US
Macherey-Nagel®, NucleoMag®, NucleoSil® and NucleoSpin® are registered trademarks of Macherey, Nagel GmbH & Co. KG Handelsgesellschaft, Düren, DE
MACSwell® and Miltenyi Biotec® are registered trademarks of Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG, Bergisch Gladbach, DE
Sequenom® is a registered trademark of Sequenom, Inc., San Diego, CA, US
MedImmune® is a registered trademark of MedImmune, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD, US
Micromass® is a registered trademark of Micromass Ltd., Manchester, GB
Monovette® and Sarstedt® are registered trademarks of Sarstedt AG & Co, Nümbrecht, DE
Motorola® is a registered trademark of Motorola Trademark Holdings LLC, Libertyville, IL, US
Nalgene® is a registered trademark of Nalge Nunc International Corp., Milwaukee, WI, US (a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.)
Nunc® is a registered trademark of Nunc A/S, Roskilde, DK

(a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.)

PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of Revvity, Inc., Waltham, MA, US
Oracle® is a registered trademark of Oracle International Corp., Redwood City, CA, US
LONZA Logo and Lonza.® are registered trademarks of Lonza Ltd., Basel, CH
Phenomenex® is a registered trademark of Phenomenex Inc., Torrance, CA, US
PhyNexus® and PhyTip® are registered trademarks of PhyNexus, Inc., San José, CA, US
REMP Logo and REMP® are registered trademarks of Brooks Automation, Inc., Chelmsford, MA, US
Q Trap® and Sciex® are registered trademarks of AB Sciex Pte. Ltd., Singapore, SG

(a subsidiary of Danaher, Corp.)

Exiqon®, QIAamp®, Qiagen®, QIAprep&®, QIAprep®, QIAquick® and QIAseq® are registered trademarks of Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, DE
Molecular Probes®, NanoOrange®, Qubit®, Ribogreen® and SYBR® are registered trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc., Eugene, OR, US (a subsidiary of Life Technologies, Corp. which is a subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.)
Nexterion® and Schott® are registered trademarks of Schott AG, Mainz, DE
Inheco®, ODTC® and VCM® are registered trademarks of INHECO Industrial Heating and Cooling GmbH, Martinsried, DE
3D Bloom is a registered trademark of CellSpring, Zürich, CH
Sonifier® is a registered trademark of Branson Ultrasonics B.V., Eemnes, NL