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Tecan Journal

Selected category: Immunology

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Correct identification of autoimmune diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes and celiac disease are familiar examples of autoimmune disorders that occur when the immune system attacks healthy cells or tissues by mistake. Myasthenia gravis is a far rarer autoimmune disease, causing weakness in the skeletal muscles. LAB Maastricht UMC+ in the Netherlands has a long history with myasthenia gravis, using gold standard immunoassays to enable accurate diagnosis and provide the information necessary to allow effective treatment.

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Finding a clinical future for HMGB1?

Extracellular HMGB1 has been implicated in a wide range of conditions, from trauma and sepsis to epilepsy and lupus. As a result, this almost ubiquitous biomolecule is garnering increasing interest as a potential target for new therapeutics. In a recent review paper, Prof Ulf Andersson et al. summarized the latest advances in our understanding of the release, receptor interactions and functional consequences of extracellular HMGB1.

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HMGB1 – a silent partner in cancer

Many people in the life science and medical communities will never have heard of HMGB1 or, to give it its full title, high mobility group box 1 protein. Despite this, it is the most common nuclear protein after the histones – with around a million copies per cell – and plays a key role in the body’s response to everything from trauma and infection to a stroke and heart attack.

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Building functionality into the antibody supply chain

The Monash Antibody Technologies Facility (MATF) in Victoria, Australia, has added a new dimension to its high throughput service, off ering screening for antibody functionality. This time-consuming phase is crucial for many projects, and can now be outsourced to MATF, where comprehensive and fl exible automation completes testing in a fraction of the time.

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