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By Siegfried Sasshofer
What are the benefits of the new Spark® 20M when it comes to accelerating the drug discovery process? This presentation from SLAS2016 goes beyond discussing typical microplate readers and washers to covering processes for optimizing assay development.
The work of labs is getting more varied and demanding, whether we’re talking biochemical assays or cell-based work. The Spark® 20M has been developed as a response to meet these challenges.
In this presentation from SLAS2016, we discuss how the Spark® 20M helps in optimizing assays, standardizing cell-based assays and overcoming the challenges of multiplex. Among the features we showcase are a revolutionary new optical set-up that offers extra flexibility, industry-leading sensitivity and the Spark® 20M’s considerable advantages when it comes to walk-away automation.
But, as you’ll discover, there’s much more to the Spark® 20M — including a unique feature which has to do with the first Nobel Prize winner for chemistry and a baby alligator. Here’s a clue: temperature defines destiny.
Siegfried Sasshofer heads the marketing team responsible for Tecan’s Detection products based out of Tecan’s development and manufacturing center for microplate readers and washers in Grödig, Austria. He has over 20 years’ experience in working in the field of bio-analytics. He studied Biotechnology, holds an MBA and joined Tecan in 1997.