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Selected category: Saliva testing

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The case for saliva testing in the diagnostics and management of female hormone imbalance

By Aron Gonshor (in collaboration with Nastya Yeska and Dajana Domik) 

Female hormone levels have been measured using blood tests for decades.1 However, blood sampling is costly, invasive, and often logistically difficult. Consequently, there has...

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Chewing the challenges: 5 steps to robust saliva testing for female hormones

By Nastya Yeska

Saliva-based tests are a reliable and proven method for measuring female hormone levels, as well as being highly accurate and painless for the patient.¹ This article takes you through five key steps to consider when setting up...

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Diagnostic saliva hormone testing provides alternative to needles

By Magali Fischer

Steroid analysis using a saliva sample first appeared in the scientific literature more than 40 years ago.1 Now, as then, saliva sampling presents an attractive alternative to blood testing because it is non-invasive, easily...

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Spitting out the facts: saliva testing for female hormone imbalance

By Nastya Yeska

Female hormone levels have been measured using blood tests for decades.1 However, blood sampling is costly, invasive, and often logistically difficult, so there is a shift towards the adoption of tests based on more convenient and...

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Women’s health and the advantages of saliva hormone testing

By Nastya Yeska

Women are affected by the ever-changing levels of their female sex hormones throughout all stages of their lives. These fluctuations may be normal or abnormal and may affect the development of a young woman’s secondary sexual...

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