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Tecan Journal

Selected category: Food Science

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Harnessing the power of 'friendly' bacteria

The rising global problem of antimicrobial resistance has led to growing pressure on food producers to eliminate the use of prophylactic antibiotics as an additive in livestock feeds. To help combat the potential risk this poses to animal health, Agro BioSciences is harnessing the power of the microbiota present in the gut of chickens, pigs and cows to try and eliminate the growth of pathogens.

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Putting milk to the test

Milk testing plays an essential role in the dairy industry, ensuring the quality and safety of the end product. RAUDSZUS Electronic in Bavaria provides customized front-end sample preparation solutions to help laboratories cope with the high throughput demands of this work, enabling complete automation of the testing process, and has also recently introduced automated ELISA testing of milk for disease and pregnancy.

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Faster food testing

The Institute for Product Quality, based in Berlin, has grown into a service laboratory that provides virtually any and every test required by the food market, from microbiology to pesticide testing. Using its expertise in food analytics and kit development, and with new, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities in the Berlin-Adlershof science park, ifp provides testing services and kits to the industry and public alike.

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Fingerprinting food

Surveillant provides rapid and reliable screening methods to help food and beverage manufacturers monitor their products and raw materials. Using an Infinite® M1000 PRO, the company has developed a simple, low cost method of ‘fingerprinting’ products based on their intrinsic fluorescence, providing a rapid screening technique to help detect counterfeit or adulterated foodstuffs.

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