By Rohit Schroff

The popularity of mass spectrometry based testing is growing all the time. As a result, businesses in the diagnostics industry offering mass-spectrometry-based clinical assays, especially analytical laboratories in toxicology environments, are facing a number of major challenges. These include meeting scaling requirements that are non-linear, overcoming regulatory uncertainties while guaranteeing business continuity, raising ROI on LC/MS instruments and lowering turnaround times.

So, if your business is offering mass-spectrometry-based tests, how do you make sure it continues to run smoothly and increase profitability for the long-term? In this short, powerful film, Rohit Shroff, Head of Sales Development, EMEA for the Life Science Markets at Tecan, offers a single, simple answer.

See what Rohit has to say now.

Challenges for diagnostic industry using mass spectrometry assays 




About the author

Rohit Schroff

Rohit Schroff

Rohit Shroff has been with Tecan for 5 years and is Head of Sales Development, EMEA for the life science business. He received a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany and went on to do a postdoc in high throughput proteomics at the ETH in Zurich. Rohit worked as an R&D scientist at the Nestle Research Centre in Lausanne before joining Tecan. At Tecan he has held a variety of positions as an applications specialist, a product manager and now in his current role overseeing marketing and applications in the EMEA market.