Metagenomics is rapidly emerging as a promising method for disease diagnosis, but the need for manual processing is delaying turnaround times and limiting clinical uptake. Dr John Rossen, Head of Global Research & Development and Product Strategy...
It has been estimated that, by 2050, the world will need to produce 70% more food than in 2005, and will need 50% more fresh water and fuel, while reducing CO2 emissions by 100%. These are massive global challenges that are not going to be solved by...
Cell culture is at the heart of the production process for many biopharmaceuticals, but finding the optimal conditions to maximize yield can be a complex and time-consuming process. Traditional process development relies on costly and...
The initial screening of chromatographic conditions can be a major bottleneck in the development of protein purification protocols. Italian company BiCT – Biological and Chemical Technologies – has turned to automation to overcome this issue,...
NGNY Devices is striving to fully automate laborious pre-analytical sample processing for clinical testing, helping to increase throughput and reduce human error. Its systems are already providing advanced sample sorting and aliquoting across...
Our automation laboratory serves principally the lead optimization stage of drug discovery, so we receive several hundred samples per week from medicinal chemistry labs,” said Dr Claude Dufresne, Senior Investigator, who has been working at the...
The Necker Hospital for Sick Children has automated its comparative genomic hybridization workflow on a Freedom EVO® workstation, increasing throughput more than 10-fold while significantly improving reproducibility and process security.
The DNA Section of the Orange County Crime Laboratory has recently taken delivery of its first Air LiHa equipped Freedom EVO®workstation for DNA quantitation and amplification reaction set-up.
Scientists working in the Screening Unit at the Institute for Molecular Pharmacology in Germany are finding the low volume pipetting capability of the MultiChannel Arm™ 384 beneficial for the investigation of siRNAs and small molecule compound...
GlaxoSmithKline’s quest for improved anti-malarial treatments has been revolutionized by the speed and reliability of the HP D300 Digital Dispenser. This innovative system has increased throughput for standard drug titrations and enabled...
Symrise is using an HP D300 Digital Dispenser to improve throughput and reproducibility in its cell and molecular biology laboratories, offering more reproducible results for cosmetic active ingredient testing.
The ARUP Institute for Clinical and Experimental PathologyR (ARUP), based in Salt Lake City, USA, has chosen the Freedom EVOR liquid handling platform for automating RIA and ELISA assays, developing a novel 104-well microplate to increase sample...
A successful partnership between Tecan and the Hochschule für Technik in Rapperswil, Switzerland, has resulted in the development of a new technology called Array Liquid Arrival Check (ArrayLAC) that shows great potential for built-in process...
Researchers at The Australian Wine Research Institute are taking advantage of the flexible Freedom EVO® platform to help investigate a wide range of factors affecting the quality of wine.
Cellular Dyncamics in Wisconsin, USA, is using its Celleritiy™ workstation for reliable culturing and differentiation of pluripotent steem cells, helping to provide the pharmaceutical industry with advanced tools for drug discovery and toxicology...
Pfizer's BioBank facility in Connecticut, USA, has revolutionized its DNA extraction workflow thanks to the open architecture of its Freedom EVO® workstations.
The Justus-von-Liebig soil sampling laboratory in Bavaria has what is probably the oldest suite of Tecan instruments still in routine use - unless you can tell us otherwise! - and has been using it to test agricultural soil samples for almost twenty...
Fluxion Biosciences is using Tecan's Freedom EVO® platforms to offer high throughput solutions for patch clamping studies, based on its advanced Well Plate Microfluidics™ system.
MedImmune in Maryland, USA, is using its Freedom EVO® platforms as general-purpose tools for simple and routine tasks, rather than specific projects. This 'tools' concept has greatly increased use of the systems, saving much development time.
The Clinical Pharmacology Department in the Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), Bangkok, has achieved huge time saving with its Freedom EVO® platform from Tecan, reducing time taken for sample preparation from five hours manually...
Scientist at the Weizmann Institute in Israel are using a Freedom EVO® platform to control DNA-based biomolecular computing.
Tecan’s Freedom EVO workstation forms the basis of an automated RIA system developed in Korea.
The Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) in Seoul, Korea, conducts research to identify the etiology of communicable diseases and to find effective control, prevention, diagnosis and treatment for them.
Automation of Atoll’s 96-array MediaScout® RoboColumns on the Freedom EVO® workstation is proving a popular approach for development of biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes.
The High Throughput Expression Laboratory at the University of York is a service facility offering bespoke protein expression, and uses a Freedom EVOR 200 workstation to meet its demand for high throughput cloning, expression and screening.
The brand new facility at Yale University, the Center for High Throughput Cell Biology uses Tecan products
Tecan liquid handling platform is used to automate analysis of cortisol an lgA in their investigation into the relationship between different types of stress and the immune response
Researchers are relying on a Freedom EVO® 150 for the development of a new technology for single molecule detection
Advanced Technologies Cambridge (ATC), a plant biotechnology company located on the Cambridge Science Park, UK, has chosen the Tecan Freedom EVO® 100 liquid handling workstation to perform complex pipetting tasks for setting up PCR screening assays.
Illumina, a San Diego (CA)-based company, has integrated Tecan liquid handling workstations into its revolutionary, endto- end solutions for large-scale genotyping applications. The collaboration has been crucial for the development of a number of...